News & Events

Homework Assignments

Reminder to all students of Nenagh College to log into their Microsoft Teams App and complete their homework assignments. The login for the Teams App is your Nenagh College email.

Here are a list of useful publisher websites which have free access to eBooks. Use these with your textbooks to help you complete your assignments


Leaving Cert Maths Videos

These videos were designed and produced by UCD Maths Support Centre tutors Rowland Bennett, Anthony Cronin, Kaitlin Farrell, Emma Howard and Christopher Kennedy. The 143 videos cover both the Higher Level and Ordinary Level Leaving Certificate mathematics courses.

They cover four strands of the Leaving Certificate mathematics curriculum:

  • Statistics and Probability (37 videos)
  • Geometry and Trigonometry (44 videos)
  • Algebra (35 videos)
  • Functions and Calculus (27 videos)

These videos were made possible by the very generous funding of Citi Foundation with thanks to Jennifer Murphy and Fiona Swenney from the UCD Access and Lifelong Learning’s Future You programme.

Click on the following link:

6LCA St. Patrick’s Day Nenagh College Window Display

Ms O Keeffe’s 6th year Office Administration and Customer Care class completed a window display project for St Patrick’s Day.

This involved carrying out research on the window displays in our town and getting advice and help from the Art department and the Music department in our school. We would like to thank Ms Knight, Ms Beirne, Ms Purcell and Ms Tierney.

We are very proud of the work the students put into this project.

6LCA Window Merchandising

6LCA students are preparing to decorate the school window for St Patrick’s Day, we visited and observed how the shops in Nenagh are displayed and purchased items for our display.

Irish Heart Foundation Bake Sale

Many thanks to Ms O Keeffe’s Enterprise Class and all of the staff and students who participated in a bake sale in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation. Representatives from the class are pictured here donating a cheque to Ms Anne Riordan a guest speaker from the Irish Heart Foundation. Thank you to Trish O Shea, Manager of Get Fresh for sponsoring tasty donuts and scones for the bake sale

World Book Day at Nenagh College

This week, Nenagh College celebrated ‘World Book Day’.

Throughout the week, our first year students visited Nenagh Library to learn about the wonderful services they provide.

On Thursday, staff and students participated in a ‘Drop Everything and Read’ event. Ms Kinsella and her English class, 1E, also hosted a lunchtime quiz to test students’ literary knowledge.

Finally, a special thank you to Ms Powell and her Woodwork class, 1D, for making a ‘Book Swap’ box for the staff room.

Below are some book recommendations voted by the staff at Nenagh College:

1. “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman
2. “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini
3. “The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox” by Maggie O’Farrell
4. “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder
5. “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page to discover the winner of our ‘World Book Day’ competition.