Food Appeal for The Simon Community

Thank you to all those who contributed to our Student Council Food Appeal, we were delighted with the amount of food that was donated. We would like to thank Fr Michael and Fr Des who collected the food on behalf of The Simon Community.


The Student Council also ran a Christmas Jumper Day in aid of St Vincent De Paul, raising €442. Thank you Ms C. O’ Keeffe in assisting with the Student Council as Liaison Teacher.

Wellbeing Walk

Before closing for Christmas second, third, fifth and sixth years benefited from a wellbeing walk in Dromineer to finish what has been a long term.  Each group had a very enjoyable day away from the classroom in the fresh air experiencing the local beauty.

Transition Years have a busy term

Our TY students have been very busy since returning after Halloween Break, the group have completed:

First Aid & Manual Handing Courses, Kickboxing Programs, Hospitality Skills Courses, Art Workshops, Mini Companies Program and Glad to be Me Seminar.  The group rounded up the term with a range of activities including Mini Golf, Go Karting & Skiing.

TY students have received 100% positive feedback from their teachers and celebrated with a pizza lunch.

