Wood Technology

2nd year Wood Technology students recently completed a frame project which tested their joint work and hand tool skills. The students chose a logo or crest of their choice which was done using the laser cutter machine.

Biodiversity Garden

The students of Nenagh College have been working hard behind the scenes in our biodiversity garden over the last number of months. A variety of native trees have been planted by students which has given the students a great opportunity to link theory and practical work.
The level of biodiversity in this area also given 5th year biology students a great opportunity to identify a number of flora and fauna that have appeared naturally in our school. This was of particular importance when carrying out their recent study of the grassland habitat. We are very lucky to have this space and cannot wait to watch it grow and mature.

Junior Girls Soccer

Well done to our Junior Girls team who came third in the Etb Junior Girls Blitz.Congratulations to B.C.C. who came first and St AnnesKillaloe who were second.Thank you to All  for participating.Our students were accompanied by their Teachers Ms. Beirne and Ms. Morris .

5th Year LCA

5th Year LCA students organised a coffee morning and raffle for the teachers here at Nenagh College as part of their enterprise module for VPG. Well done to the students on a very successful and enjoyable morning.

Dublin City University Anti-Bullying Centre

As a partner of Dublin City University Anti-Bullying Centre, our 2nd Year students have recently completed the ‘FUSE’ programme in their CSPE classes. 
DCU Anti-Bullying Centre are now inviting students between 13-18 years to partake in a survey about the impact of social media platforms on young people and their social media preferences. 
Please click on the survey link  to complete the survey. This google-doc provides parents/guardians with further information about the study.



Bunratty Castle

Students from Home room 1 and 2 had a great day out Tuesday when they visited Bunratty Castle and folk park. The farm manager kindly gave us a tour of the farm first where we met goats, chickens, geese, calves,pigs, ponies, lambs and even deer! A guided tour of the Castle followed and then we explored the folk park. It was a lovely day and we almost managed to sneak a baby lamb back onto the bus !’