Congratulations TY Class of 2023!

Congratulations to our TY Class of 2023! You were wonderful class! A huge thank you to  Mr Shrahan and Ms. Purcell for a wonderful end of year celebration. Thank you to Mr Kennedy and Mr O’Meara for all the support that they give to the Transition Year programme in Nenagh College. A huge thanks to all the parents and guardians, teachers and family members who attended the presentation on Wednesday evening.


Student Council Mental Health Week

Well done to all students who competed in the Student Council Mental Health week activities! Particularly those who participated in our Art competition and our 10 word short story competition. Charlie Williams our secretary and Emma Gleeson our deputy chair presented certificates and prizes to all our winners pictured below. A particular word of thanks to our judges, Ms. Ruiz, Ms. Deane and Ms. Goulding.

Leaving Cert Class of 2023

Nenagh College bid farewell to the Leaving Cert Class of 2023! They were honoured with their Graduation Certificates at the Graduation ceremony which took place on the evening of 23 May.  We wish them every success in their Leaving Certificate Examinations and in their future endeavours!


PLC Graduation

Friday 5th May was PLC Graduation Day at Nenagh College of Further Education. A total of 32 PLC Students graduated that day. Our guest speaker was James Clifford from TUS, a former Nenagh College and Nenagh College of Further Education graduate. James spoke about his journey in education and how PLC set him up perfectly for the challenges of college and where he is now on his educational journey to date.
Lucinda Dillon, PLC Co-ordinator, congratulated the Class of 2023 on their achievements. She also outlined the exciting new progression routes with TUS and Sunderland University.  All the work experience providers who continually take our students year after year, were also thanked. Without them we couldn’t provide what we do in Nenagh College for our various programmes – TY, LCA, LCVP, and PLC.
Applied Social Studies with Healthcare group with Teresa O’Gorman
 Sports, Recreation and Exercise Student of the Year – Michael O’Dwyer with Padraig Shrahan
 Early Learning and Care group with Teresa O’Gorman and Lucinda Dillon
 Business Administration group with Kate O’Brien
Caroline Walsh with her son Charlie after winning the Overall PLC Student of the Year Award.
Lucinda Dillon PLC Co-ordinator congratulates the class of 2023
James Clifford, TUS

The Bystander Intervention Programme in Nenagh College.

TY students receive certificates for completing The Bystander Intervention Programme in Nenagh College.

TY students in Nenagh College completed a 6-week Bystander Intervention training programme as part of wellbeing. The aim of this programme is to highlight the danger of normalising and accepting abusive behaviour.

TY students engaged in active education workshops, which informed and empowered student’s to better understand their capacity to intervene in a safe way as pro-social bystanders. Ms O Keeffe trained as a facilitator with Professor Louise Crowley, UCC, who provided all the necessary resources for the workshops.

First Year trip

On Thursday the 18th of May the 1st year students headed for Limerick for their school tour. They had great fun in Arena 5 where they went trampolining and played bowling.  The day was finished off with a spot of shopping in the Crescent Shopping Centre. A great day out was had by all


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Transition Year students visit to the Cork University Campus

On 17 May, Transition Year students visited the Cork University Campus of MTU and UCC.
After completing their Career Investigations in class, meeting with visitors in school from other Higher Education Institutions, a trip to tour the Cork Universities campuses was arranged.
Why are college visits important?

Visiting different campuses is an essential step in your college search process. Not only will it help you become familiar with the colleges you’re most interested in, but it will also help you get a better understanding of what types of College are the best fit for your unique needs.

For example, after touring a college in a large city, you might decide that you’d prefer to live in a suburban area instead. Or, you might visit a small college only to realize that you enjoy institutions with a larger student body. In either case, touring a variety of colleges will help you hone in on the qualities that matter to you most.

With this insight, you’ll be able clarify what you’re looking for in a college, as well as decide which institutions are aligned with your goals and needs, and decide which College to apply to and ultimately enroll at. 


Further Education and Training Centre

On Tuesday 16 May 2023, James Heffernan (Senior Training Advisor and Emma Wing Learner Recruitment Officer, from Tipperary (ETB) Further Education and Training Centre, visited Nenagh College to provide 5th years students with an information session, focusing on Further Education and Training- Post Leaving Certificate (QQI) courses, Traineeships and Apprenticeships.

Students were exposed to the various educational/ progression options available to them after the Leaving Certificate in Tipperary and beyond.

Thank you, James, and Emma!

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