Nenagh College Student Council

Some members of the Nenagh College Student Council, celebrate another successful year in Supermac’s on Friday 2nd June 2023.  

Nenagh College Student Council 2022-2023 met on a regular basis throughout the year, also meeting on Friday afternoons.

 Ava Delaney (Chairperson) and Lana Commerford (Secretary) ensured that the student voice was heard. They both worked incredibly hard throughout the year, providing the first student council mental health week in May 2023. Ms O Keeffe is extremely proud of the work accomplished by the council over the years.


Finished Mural

The mural is complete ! Pictured here are 3rd Yr Art students Vanessa Bednarz and Amy Fogarty who  did an excellent job designing and painting the figures in this mural!

St Vincent De Paul Fundraiser

Margaret Coonan of St Vincent De Paul, is pictured receiving a cheque to the value of €230, from Catherine O Keeffe (Nenagh College student council liaison teacher).
Students in Nenagh College held a colour day during French week, they picked St Vincent De Paul as their chosen charity, as a result of having a guest speaker visit the school. Well done to the Ms Naughton and Ms Sammon (the French Department) for organising the colour day.

Caring for Animals Short Course

Congratulations to the students from Home Room who received their certificate of completion of their Caring for Animals short course from Mr Kennedy today. They also had a special visitor to finish the course- Jessie ,a 12 year old golden retriever who showed them a few tricks and almost decided to stay !

Athletics Competition

Nenagh College students recently competed in the East Munster Athletics Competition in Templemore Athletics track. Well done to all involved.
 Amy Ryan, Kyla Doyle, Grace Quinn, Grace Kilgannon, Mia McKenna, Colleen Whelan, Zofia Koloda and Laura O’ Connor
: Charlie Williams, Michelle O’ Halloran, Siobhán O’ Donoghue, Hazel O’ Donovan, Maria Strattan, Charlotte Ryan, Lucy Slattery.