Choose Respect Campaign  and the Bystander Intervention Programme

The Choose Respect Campaign  and the Bystander Intervention Programme is currently being run in schools across the country. Helen O Connor from the CBS, Shane Doherty from St Mary’s, Marney O Regan  co-founder of Choose Respect Campaign and Catherine O Keeffe from Nenagh College met to discuss the next stage in the Choose Respect Campaign, which was launched in Nenagh in January 2023. The aim of this project is to draw attention to human behaviours which have become normalised in modern society and to seek change for the betterment of all concerned.


St Vincent De Paul

All first years attended the St Vincent De Paul talk as part of their wellbeing.

Students were delighted to have Clodagh Lenihan, an education officer with St Vincent De Paul attend Nenagh College in January 2023. She gave a talk to all 1st years and 6th year students.

The first year Student Council members also met with Ms Lennihan with their Student Council Liaison teacher, Ms O Keeffe.

Leaving Certificate Applied Work Experience

6th year Leaving Certificate Applied students attend work experience every Friday. Ms O Keeffe would like to thank all the employers who provide excellent placements for Nenagh College Leaving Certificate Applied Students.

Pictured below are Julia Kozak in the Polish shop

Eliezer Campos pictured with Noelle Morrissey, Eason

Michael Collins pictured in McLoughlin’s Shop

Anne Hassett Manager of Nenagh Day Care Centre, where Roisin Thijssen is on placement.

Homer Sweet Dispenser

Our TY engineering class are working on applying the finishing touches to their “Homer Sweet Dispenser”

Students are given the opportunity to use a wide range of manufacturing processes in completing this project.

Students will learn the basic marking out and manufacturing skills to make the back plate, the timber centre, the front, and the mouth.

Students will then use the 3D printer to make the nose and the eyes will be cut out using our laser cutter.

Students are then tasked with adding their own design element. Creating a stand or a wall mounting bracket for the project.

The projects will then be finished by painting and polishing.

Watch this space for the finished projects very soon.