Coding Workshop

On Wednesday 26th April, Brian Fogarty and Conor Bowe from Fiserv, Nenagh, delivered a coding workshop to our TY class, using Javascript and HTML. It was a great to see links between a local technology company and our school. Thanks to all involved

5th Year LCVP

As part of their Summary Report Item for the LCVP Portfolio, our 5th Year LCVP Students made the trip to Blackcastle Farm this week. Students were given a fantastic tour of the farm and insightful presentation on the background, growth and development of the business. Thanks to all the staff at Blackcastle Farm.

Delphi Adventure Centre

Our Transition Year Students enjoyed 2 great days last week at Delphi Adventure Centre. The sun shined as the TY group took part in a range of outdoor activities including Kayaking, High Rope Challenges, Team Games and Campfire Building.

Team Robotics

Team Robotics provided a fantastic workshop to all the first year classes. The circuits were donated to the school by Mint-Tex, The Prototype People. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

Choose Respect Campaign

Nenagh College students continue to be involved in the Choose Respect Campaign, which began over a year ago by Mr Marney O Reilly and Mr Denis Finnerty.

This is a community project involving all 3 secondary schools in Nenagh, together with the sports clubs, the businesses etc in Nenagh – it is a community project aimed at increasing awareness around how we show respect towards ourselves and others in our society.

The following students attended a meeting which was held on Friday, 31st March in the Pastoral Centre. Ms O Keeffe is pictured with members of the Student Council as follows:

  • Charlie Williams
  • Ava Delaney
  • Laura Corish
  • Gaja Lustrynowicz
  • Emma Gleeson
  • Katie Wilford
  • Darragh Corish

Such meetings involving all 3 schools, allows students to gain a greater understanding of the needs of young people in our society and allows for fruitful discussions.