2nd year students enjoyed researching how to make their own self care products and making home made natural body scrubs and lip balm/scrubs during their life skills class.
Body Scrub Ingredients /Materials
Small recycled clean jam jars.
Olive Oil
Essential Oils For Fragrance such as Lavender or Vanilla
Drop of Food Colouring if desired for colour
Mix Olive oil and sugar together to the consistency desired
Add 4/5 drops of essential oils and a drop of food colouring.
Mix All the ingredients together until the texture is the right consistency.
Store in jars
Lip scrub/Balm Ingredients/Materials
Recycled /used Clean lip balm pots
Mix 2/3 tablespoons of Honey with 1 tablespoon sugar.
Mix together until the texture is the right consistency.
Store in pots