Parent Council Members 2022 / 2023
Declan Kinsella
Siobhán O’Donovan
AimĂ©e McKenzie  Â
James Mounsey Â
Aoibhán Fitzpatrick
Marta Helman
Edyta WiewioraÂ
Caroline Whiteford
Kirsten Bayly-Parker
Eamonn Cleary
Breda Dervan
Seamus Coleman
Siobhan Ryan
Laura O’Dwyer
Constitution for Nenagh College Parents’ Council
Name This body shall be known as The Nenagh College Parents’ Council.
Aims The aims of the Council shall include:
· The promotion of the educational, general welfare and social interests of the pupils within the schools’ ethos.
· Helping the pupils and staff of the school in a collaborative and supportive manner.
· Vindicating the right of parents to consultation on school policy and information on government educational policy.
· Keeping the parents/guardians of pupils attending the school informed on issues in the school and current educational trends.
· Acting in an advisory role representing the views of parents on school policies and activities. (No criticism of any individual shall be aired at a Parents’ Council meeting without that person being present and /or represented)
· Helping to make school life more complete by organising various activities.
Membership Membership shall be confined to parents/guardians of pupils attending the school.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
· The AGM of all parents/guardians shall be held in Term 1.
· The members of the Parents’ Council (Committee) shall be elected annually at the AGM.
· Officers shall be elected at the first meeting following the AGM.
· Each officer will be elected for one year.
· At the AGM all Committee Members will step down but they can be re-elected as long as they continue to be a parent/guardian of a child in the school.
· No member of the committee shall hold the same officer position for more than three consecutive years.
· The committee shall elect its own Officers, consisting of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Public Relations Officer.
· The committee shall meet regularly.
· The number of members may vary from time to time in order to give adequate representation. In such cases new members may be co-opted to the committee.
· Quorum for meetings will be 4 members of Parents’ Council.
· At least four ordinary meetings shall be held during the school year. Such meetings will be opened with the reading of the minutes and the business of the meeting (Agenda).
· The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meeting for approval at the next meeting
· The Committee may, at its discretion, set up any sub-committee it deems necessary for specific purposes.
· All decisions of the Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of all members voting on an issue and in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
· Meetings, if required, may be remote if necessary.
Co-options Co-options to the committee may include the Principal or their Deputy
An Extraordinary Meeting An Extraordinary meeting of all parents may be called
· On a majority decision of the committee
· At the written request of 5% of parent cohort of the school
To be proposed and ratified in the 2024.25 academic year.
Please click on the link below to access the Constitution for Nenagh College Parents’ Council in PDF format:
Constitution Nenagh College Parents’ Council