Result of Nenagh College 5 million step challenge

Nenagh College celebrated the success of their 5,000,000 steps challenge on Friday last with the student from each year group who had achieved the highest number of steps in a day receiving a voucher from Sportsman’s Dream.  Principal Damien Kennedy commented on the success of the activity and the positivity generated throughout the school community during the activity.  “It was a great opportunity to get a break from the screens and to get some exercise and fresh air.  Mr. Kennedy acknowledged the staff for “leading the way for the younger people” with a combined 1,422,937 steps, noting reports of aching bodies and creaking bones from some!!  It is envisaged that this may become a regular feature on the school’s calendar for future years.
Pictured receiving their Sportsman’s Dream voucher:
Ms. Catherine O Keeffe (Student Council Coordinator) , Molly Gillick, Eva Delaney, Shane McNicholas, Emma Ryan, Adam Gratton (PE Teacher), Damien Kennedy (Principal).  Missing from photo T.J. Crowe and Mikeala Quinlan
Well done to Ms. L Dillon, who was the staff member that achieved the highest step count.
Pictured is Katzyrna Jecek, Shauna Hogan and Jason Kinsella presenting her with a bunch of flowers.