On Thursday 29th Feb our 5th & 6th year Ag Science and Horticulture students visited Agritech Puckane and the Kennedy Family farm in Bawn Nenagh with their teachers Ms Duffy and Ms Sugrue. Seamus Slattery from Agritech invited the students to the boardroom where he gave them a brief overview of his company and the range of Agritech animal health products and grass seed mixes they produce. Seamus brought the students on a tour of the factory explaining how each process works before giving each students an information pack and some lovely Agritech merchandise. Thank you to Seamus and Jim for a great tour.
We moved on to the Kennedy Family farm in Bawn Nenagh where we were warmly welcomed by James and Nora (& Ollie the dog) to their large dairy farm. James gave the students an introduction to the farm and covered a broad range of topics including grass management, grass measuring, animal husbandry, breeding & genetics, health and safety to name but a few. It was a fantastic hand’s on experience for the students throughout with the birth of a new calf just before we headed for home. Thanks to the Kennedy family for their hospitality too and looking after our students so well.