Nenagh College celebrated the success of their 5,000,000 steps challenge on Friday last with the student from each year group who had achieved the highest number of steps in a day receiving a voucher from Sportsman’s Dream. Principal Damien Kennedy commented on the success of the activity and the positivity generated throughout the school community during the activity. “It was a great opportunity to get a break from the screens and to get some exercise and fresh air. Mr. Kennedy acknowledged the staff for “leading the way for the younger people” with a combined 1,422,937 steps, noting reports of aching bodies and creaking bones from some!! It is envisaged that this may become a regular feature on the school’s calendar for future years.

Pictured receiving their Sportsman’s Dream voucher:
Ms. Catherine O Keeffe (Student Council Coordinator) , Molly Gillick, Eva Delaney, Shane McNicholas, Emma Ryan, Adam Gratton (PE Teacher), Damien Kennedy (Principal). Missing from photo T.J. Crowe and Mikeala Quinlan
Well done to Ms. L Dillon, who was the staff member that achieved the highest step count.

Pictured is Katzyrna Jecek, Shauna Hogan and Jason Kinsella presenting her with a bunch of flowers.