The 2nd Annual Tipperary ETB Student Leader Congress was held in Nenagh College on Friday 12th October. The occasion opened with the presentation of the Charter for students in schools under the patronage of Tipperary ETB from Paula Madden and Rory Grace to CE Fionuala McGeever and Chairperson TETB, Cllr. John Hogan. In response, Cllr. Hogan noted the awareness, at Board level in TETB, of the need to engage with the Student Voice, citing a number of recent initiatives which have arisen from student input.
The students had talks from Dr. Noel Colleran on education opportunities in TETB. Niall O Meara and his Kilruane McDonagh team mate, Seamus Hennessy, both spoke on the subject of Mental Health, While Marc Tuffy, from The President’s Award (Gaisce) spoke of the benefit of achieving the various awards from Bronze to Gold.
The students had workshops in the second half of the day in preparation for a scheme wide initiative to support Seamus Hennessy’s ” Run for Josie” a 26-mile trek across Antarctic to raise funds for Pieta House and Living Links.
The Principal of Nenagh College, Damien Kennedy, acknowledged the support of Director of Schools, Linda Tynan, for the Student Leader Congress. He also noted the contribution of CE Fionuala McGeever, to education in Tipperary over the last sixteen years as CEO of South Tipperary VEC and Tipperary ETB. Ms. McGeever is soon to retire from her position of CE.