Another First for Nenagh College

On Friday last, April 28th, Nenagh College celebrated another first, becoming the first school in the area to secure the Active School Flag.

The school has already been awarded three Green Flags for environmental awareness and in 2015 the school was awarded the Amber Flag for mental health awareness.

Speaking at the presentation of the Flag to staff and students, Active Flag committee leader and school PE teacher, Liam Heffernan (pictured below with his committee members) expressed his delight at the School being awarded the Flag. From September, Nenagh College, will be offering PE as a short course to students as part of the new Junior Cycle Course and Liam feels that the work required to achieve the Active Schools Flag will be of enormous benefit to the school when PE is introduced to the Junior Cycle in September.

In order to fulfill the protocols to attain the flag the school needed to engage with the wider community hosting a 5KM Community Walk on March 31st which raised 1,400 Euro for Nenagh Special Summer Camp.

A full week of activities was held at the school in April with every member of staff and all students engaged in a wide variety of activities from Martial Arts, Zumba Dancing, Wheel Chair Basketball and Wake Up, Shake Up work out at registration each morning.

The Flag will be officially unveiled at the Annual Awards Ceremony on May 12th by Brendan Maher, 2016 All-Ireland winning Captain.